The Society of Bluffton Artists

Creative Current – ART PARTIES

  • Ages 3 – 12
  • $275 for 1.5 hrs – Up to 12 children (no deductions for less, 12 is max capacity)
  • $325 Extended Party Time (30 minutes)


PLEASE NOTE: Your date is not reserved until availability has been confirmed. Please email Jessica at  [email protected] BEFORE paying online.

Click here to Sign up 

Visit the Creative Current website: 

Email [email protected] for more information2


  • Experienced Art Instructor
  • All Art Supplies (paints, brushes, canvases, etc.) One Creative Art Project for Each Child to Take Home
  • 24 Delicious Mini Cupcakes, Plates, and Napkins

Make your child’s birthday unforgettable with a creative and fun-filled art experience!

Celebrate your little artist!


Options include an additional art instructor, customized aprons or t-shirts for kids, themed decorations, craft kits for home, organic snacks and lemonade, a basic birthday sign, and an extra 30 minutes with an additional art project. We also offer small goodie bags with art supplies, customized invitations, and face painting to make your child’s celebration even more special.