Three-Day Oil Painting Workshop with Mickey Boisvert
9a.m. – 3:30p.m., Sept. 12-14
Cost: $225 members, $250 non-members • All Levels Welcome
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Learn to bring expressive color into your paintings using proven methods that help you move from painting outdoors, to completing your piece in the studio. Steps that advance your painting practice will include: thumbnail drawing techniques to explore the best composition, acrylic underpainting, taking a“mental snapshot” of your subject in the field, laying in a value study on your canvas, and learning to mix rich & juicy colors for final POP! All steps will be demo’d for you; you’ll receive plenty of helpful handouts; and you are guaranteed lots of personal attention. Students supply their own materials and equipment. Let’s have fun in beautiful and historic Old Town Bluffton, South Carolina.
Added Bonus: join us on Saturday, September 7 from 10a.m. – 2p.m. for a one-day Drawing-Warm Up to prepare you for the painting workshop. A fun an info-packed session to sharpen your skills before Sept. 12!
Mickey is a passionate and popular instructor who teaches and exhibits throughout the lowcountry. Please contact Mickey with any questions at all.