The Society of Bluffton Artists

Basic Composition Workshop with Collage 2 – April 11 with Sandra Campeau


  • Instructor: Sandra Campeau
  • April 11
  • 1:00-4:00
  • $60 members/$75 nonmembers
  • Deadline to cancel registrations & issue refunds is two weeks prior to the scheduled class. No refunds or credits are issued after that time.


In this 3-hour workshop we will go be focusing on composition by utilizing collage. We will start by creating collage papers and then creating grids to try different compositions.  We will also go over basic color theory when creating our collages.

You will be creating a mixed media artwork with collage pieces and acrylic paint. The purpose of this project is to find what works for you that can later inform your artwork.  Play is very important in improving your art and this class will help you get there.  By utilizing this practice, you can try out different layouts with low stress. This class is great for anyone that is working on or struggling with composition in their paintings.

This is open to all skill levels.


Additional information


Member, Non-Member
