The Society of Bluffton Artists

Cold Wax and Oil Painting – January 30th with Sandra Campeau


  • Instructor: Sandra Campeau
  • January 30th
  • 1:00-4:30
  • $140 members/$155  nonmembers   
  • Deadline to cancel registrations & issue refunds is two weeks prior to the scheduled class. No refunds or credits are issued after that time.


This beginner course is designed to introduce students to the captivating world of oil and cold wax painting. Participants will learn the fundamental techniques, tools, and principles of this versatile medium, allowing them to express their creativity and produce unique, textured artworks. Each participant will take home an abstracted landscape painting at the end of the class.

This class is open to all levels, basic materials for use will be provided.

Additional information


Member, Nonmember
