The Society of Bluffton Artists

Composition – Value Acrylic Painting – April 25 & May 2 with Steve Liker


  • Instructor: Steve Liker
  • Date: Thursdays, April 25 & May 2
  • Time: 12:30 – 3:30
  • $100 members / $110 nonmembers
  • Limited to 10 Students Max
  • Deadline to cancel registrations & issue refunds is two weeks prior to the scheduled class. No refunds or credits are issued after that time.


Enhancing Composition and Values will increase the attractiveness of your painting. We will focus on these and other painting tips. We will first paint a black and white value acrylic landscape painting, and then overpaint it with colors. I will teach you many of my painting techniques from over my 40+ years of acrylic painting.

Canvases will be provided. Bring your acrylic paints, brushes, and pallets.


Additional information


Member, Nonmember
