
The Society of Bluffton Artists

Shift Duties – Check Lists

Download a PDF of the check lists here.

Morning Shift Check List

Staffing hours 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Monday thru Saturday

  • Arrive five minutes before your shift so you ready for customers at the opening time of the gallery.
  • Once you unlock the front door stop yourself and turn the top interior lock to open.
  • Turn all the lights switches on in all the rooms/areas.
  • Put out sandwich board SOBA signs
  • If there is a paper receipt of any kind in the credit card machine gently tear it off and immediately put it in the cash box.
  • Check the restrooms paper supplies, refill if needed.
  • Double check that all the binders you will need to keep records in during the shift are accessible.
  • REVIEW all the sales procedures and make sure you have blank yellow SOBA receipt on clipboard on the desk. They are in the top drawer
  • Get the log sheet ready for the day.
  • Keep your personal bags, pads off to the side of the work area. The desk is to be used for customer transactions.
  • Keep accurate sales records, noting sales in appropriate binders/inventories and notify artists of sales
  • Call and remind the following day’s volunteers of their shift and time. Leave message, if necessary.
  • Please use the Square Terminal for all transactions.

Afternoon Shift Check List

Staffing hours 1:30-5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday

  • Verify that all sales recording for the morning is current.
  • Double check that all the binders you will need to keep records in during the shift are accessible.
  • REVIEW all the sales procedures and make sure you have blank SOBA receipts on the clipboard on the desk. They are in the top drawer. The client receives a pink copy of the sales receipt.
  • Keep accurate sales records, noting sales in appropriate binders/inventories and notify artists of sales
  • Keep your personal bags, pad off to the side of the work area. The desk is to be used for customer transactions.
  • Empty the trash cans if needed and put the closed trash bag in the large green trash container that is on the side of the Art School.
  • At 5:00, bring in the SOBA sandwich board signs.
  • Double check that all the sales receipts are in the cash box, the side door is bolted, and all the gallery lights are turned off. Make sure to leave on the front porch lights and front gallery room lights
  • Turn the top lock on the front door, double check the gallery is locked once you are out.

Sunday Hours

Staffing hours 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.

Please follow both morning and afternoon checklists.