Meet The Artists Reception Sat, Feb 5 3:00-5:00PM. Exhibiting Jan 31-Feb 26, 2022.
About 20 talented students will be participating in this year’s Young Talent exhibit at SOBA Gallery in February. Participants range from first year high school students to Advanced Placement studio artists. Many are members of the National Art Honor Society, which seeks to bring awareness of the importance of the visual arts to one’s community. Community art teachers have selected work for this exhibit that they consider to be superlative. These students do not receive credit; most are excited just to display and perhaps sell their work in a real gallery format with a wide audience.
Bluffton High School began working with Soba in the spring of 2020, when a group of highly creative students and their teacher, Kristen Munroe, created two murals for the exterior of the SOBA gallery. The Society of Bluffton Artists was so impressed by the quality of work that these young people produced that the group was offered a spot on the Featured Artist calendar in February, 2021. We are thrilled to provide this opportunity again in February 2022. This second “Young Talent” exhibit promises to be even more dynamic, exciting and inspiring!
Kristen Munroe and the art teachers that she works with, value this opportunity to give students real world experience in the demands and rewards of being a gallery artist. It is likely the first opportunity they will have to present and price their work in a professional manner. Most importantly, these teachers realize the importance of this select group of young, talented artists to gain self esteem and confidence through exhibiting (and selling!) their work to the community at large. The art of Bluffton High School students will be exhibiting at The SOBA Gallery in Old Town Bluffton from January 31st through February 26th. All works are for sale and visitors can meet the artists during the show opening at the gallery on Saturday, February 5th, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.