Title: The Poetry of Pastels in the Landscape: Tools and Techniques
All levels
Eve Miller, PSA
PASTELS : No oil pastels, hard pastel NuPastel (Michaels has a small set), a dark (i.e. Blue Violet 244-P or bottle green 298-P) Nu-Pastels, a bright pink, a purple, and yellow orange), plus medium soft (Rembrandt, for example) and whatever soft pastels you have or can borrow. I will have extra pastels to share. You will need a small amount of any color acrylic to coat the gesso.
PAPERS: Mounted Uart 400 (9 by 12 or larger…2 or 3 pieces Optional: Multimedia Pastel Panel 9 by 12
LIQUITEX CLEAR ONLY GESSO…small amount in a bottle, any set of watercolors and rubbing alcohol (70% or 90% available at Walgreens)
SUPPORT: Gatorboard or Foamboard (tracing paper or glassine to protect and transport..Publix has tracing paper) One piece of tracing paper for outlining thumbnail.
EASELS: available in teaching room…if you need to sit I have a table top easel…just let me know.
MISC: drop cloth, foil (to line tray), paper towels (Viva works well), small water spray bottle, baby wipes, a mirror, neutral color drafting or masking tape, #2b pencil, 1 inch old bristle brush, sketch pad.
REFERENCE PHOTO: 4 by 6 color and black and white of the same picture… simple landscapes using 3-5 big shapes NO HAWAIIAN SUNSETS!
Lesson Plan
Day 1 Demo with alcohol paint along with warm up exercises
Day 2 Demo with gesso and watercolor, goal: 2 small paintings
I may also demo Derwent blocks for underpainting and art graf blocks and polychromos on Multimedia Pastel Panel…(depending on the time)